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Kingsfield Stories – Michael and Jen Giudetti

October 15, 2020

Kingsfield Stories – Michael and Jen Giudetti

At Kingsfield, we love hearing about our soon-to-be residents and what has led them to undertake this exciting new home journey with us. Michael and Jen Giudetti are some of our newest purchasers and they recently shared their excitement at joining the Kingsfield family.

‘Michael and I got married in April 2018 at the age of 20 and 21.

Our journey begun in Sunbury, both of us growing up locally and starting our careers nearby. Being only 30 minutes from the CBD but still living in a country town was absolutely the most perfect childhood.

We were considering buying for a long time but we never found anything perfect for us until we discovered Kingsfield. Walking into the sales office and seeing the future plans for the area made us fall completely in love!

Walking tracks, lakes, sporting grounds and lots of trees in an eco friendly environment, located 30 minutes from the city but still a nice quiet country town? What more could we want? Kingsfield is perfect for a future family with a school and town centre nearby.

How could we walk away from this opportunity? We couldn’t! We knew we had to secure our block straight away and now we can’t wait to bring our family to life in Kingsfield.’

And we can’t wait either! If you’d like to join in the fun, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our friendly sales team on 0487 555 535 or by emailing kingsfield@rpmrealestate.com.au to find out how.