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Kingsfield’s sustainability fund from solar panel rebates

September 30, 2021

Kingsfield’s sustainability fund from solar panel rebates

A Sunbury housing estate, Kingsfield, is putting a sustainable future in the hands of its residents.

Moremac Property Group director Bryce Moore said the firm was also offering $2225 towards solar panels for homes in the estate, and would tip any rebates into a sustainability fund to be guided by residents.

“We operate in a market where there’s not a lot of discretionary money left over once people buy their land,” Mr Moore said.

“That usually pushes solar (panels) down the list.

“So we have built that into our own costings, so it is available to everyone who purchases at Kingsfield.”

Origin Energy and Green Sky Australia will donate $250 to the fund each time they are chosen to provide solar panels by residents.

The firm has also set aside a plot of land for the fund and expects it will become a community garden, electric vehicle charging station or potentially a neighbourhood battery if arrangements can be made with energy retailers to connect all or part of the estate as a microgrid.

“It’s giving residents a framework and resourcing it,” Mr Moore said.

“We are increasingly finding this is what the buying public wants and is expecting of us.”

Buyers are responding to the sustainable approach, with Moremac averaging 20 sales a month across townhouses and land from 263sq m to 789sq m, since launching in 2019.

Kingsfield will eventually house 6500 people, a shopping centre, school, sports fields, wetlands and parks.

To read the original article, visit Realestate.com.au.